- Product Instruction GL electric generator is to boil water in the container by electric heating tube, thus cause steam and convey steam into steam cabinet. A rèir connadh, bidh luchd-geamain smùid a roinn ann an goileadairean smùir dealain, loisgeadh goileadairean smùide le aodach, goileadairean smùide gas a losgadh gas, msaa; According to the fuel supply mode, steam boilers can be divided into manual combustion steam boilers and fully automatic chain combustion steam boilers; A rèir an structair, faodar a roinn na ...
The equipment has the functions of fast cowl cutting, heating and cooling and vacuum defoaming, and has good homogenization emulsification effect , good hygienic conditions, high thermal efficiency, reliable electrical control, stable operation, convenient operation and maintenance, and labor intensity Inferior advantages. Tha e na uidheamachd air leth airson uachdar, uachdar agus meala cosmaigeach. It can also be used in the production of high-viscosity materials in the pharmaceutical, food, and fine chemical industries.