Semi-automatic liquid/paste filling machine (vertical & horizontal type) is a semi-automatic quantitative liquid filling machine, which is used for quantitative liquid filling in chemical, food, daily chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide, lubricating oil and other industries. Tha an seòrsa fìor-phrìomhachaidh craiceann tiùb freagarrach airson uisge òil, sùgh mheasan, ola agus toraidhean eile. The hopper rotary valve type is applicable to honey, chili sauce, tomato paste, toothpaste, glass glue, etc.
Our Desk Capping Machine is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses operating in industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food and beverage, and more. Leis an dealbhadh cruinn, is urrainn dha a dhol gu obair-obrach no clàr sam bith, a 'toirt cothrom do ghnìomhachd goireasach agus èifeachdach.