Cosmetics fèin-ghluasadach 5L-50l lab cosirtes homogenizer laoidh laoidh lag lag
Tha Video Bathar a 'nochdadh 1. Tha e a' gabhail ris gu bheil e a 'gabhail os làimh structar clasaigeach Eòrpach, agus tha stàilinn cain gun bhruich brèagha agus fialaidh. 2. Tha an homogenizer air a chuir aig bonn na poit, tha an cas rothlach gu math goirid, agus cha bhith crathadh ann. The material enters from the bottom of the pot, enters the pipe outside the pot through the homogenizer, and then returns to the liquid level from the top of the pot for external circulation, which can fully ensure that all materials have... -
Spreagadh stèidhichte air a th 'ann Emulsifiety Measgamaid bacadh air a bhith a' caitheamh lionn lùbte bacadh
Fixed Type Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer Face Body Cream Lotion Liquid Washing Homogenizing Machine is for large-volume production of products, fixed means that its lid is connected with the pot body and can not be separated. Chan urrainn don chòmhdach a thogail suas is sìos;
Semi-automatic liquid/paste filling machine (vertical & horizontal type) is a semi-automatic quantitative liquid filling machine, which is used for quantitative liquid filling in chemical, food, daily chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide, lubricating oil and other industries. Tha an seòrsa fìor-phrìomhachaidh craiceann tiùb freagarrach airson uisge òil, sùgh mheasan, ola agus toraidhean eile. Tha seòrsa bhalbhaichean Rotart Rotary buntainneach do mil, sauce Chili, paste tomato, pasgan tomato, glaodh glainne, msaa.
Bòrd Belt Firbour
Product Introduction The conveying equipment produced by our company mainly includes belt type and chain scraper type with various structural forms. length 3 – 30m, width and height the conveying equipment for various industries can also be customized according to customer requirements. The products have been widely used in assembly, packing production line, food, medicine, beverage and other industries requiring no pollution. Cuirmean agus tha e a 'nochdadh a' ghiùlain air a thoirt a-mach le ... -
- Machine Working Video Showroom Video Product Introduction Automatic screw cap machine with automatic caps feeding is the latest improvement of a new type of capping machine. Aircraft elegant appearance, smart, capping speed, high pass rate, applied to food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, pesticides, cosmetics and other industries of different-shaped screw-cap bottle. Bithear a 'cleachdadh ceithir motaran astair airson còmhdach, clip botal, transmit, capadh, ceum àrd de fèin-ghluasadach, seasmhachd ...
Inneal-billidh tbj cruinn agus còmhnard còmhnard / inneal bileag a 'chòmhdaich (inneal-brosnachaidh a' chòmhdaich (làn-auto & semi-auto roghainneil)
Stiùireadh bhidio obrach - Siostam Smachd Microsomputer air an toirt a-steach. - Super large touch screen, easy to operate. - Servo motor is adopted, and the labeling precision is enhanced when the speed is increased. - The machine performance is more stable. - More than 100 groups of labeling parameter memories can realize fast sample changing. - The whole machine is made of high class stainless steel and aluminum alloy using anodizing treatment It will never rust, which conforms to GMP req... -